Summer has arrived in Napa.
It’s into the mid-80s most every day. We wake up and fling open all the windows and doors to bring in the cool air, to offset the hot air we know will be coming.
By around dinnertime, we’ve long lost the battle and all the fans are going—ceiling, floor, tabletop, you name it. We’re splayed out amidst them doing our best to keep cool.
So you can imagine, at the end of a long, hot day, how utterly fantastic these wine slushes are for dessert. It’s everything you love about wine in an icy-cold, Slurpee-style form. Crunchy, melty, brain-freezy, and ever-so-slightly alcoholic.
All good.
Perhaps even better—could anything be better than a new, cool way to enjoy wine?—they’re easy to make. All you need is water, sugar, and wine—most any kind you like. No fancy ingredients or equipment required.
There’s still a lot of warm weather to go. But that’s fine with me. I’ve got doors and windows in the morning, fans in the evening, and wine slushes at night.
Here’s to a long, cool summer.