jillhough.com home page

Ta da!

I’m pleased as punch to tell you about my groovy new web site! If you’re not already reading this post at www.jillhough.com, please click over, then click around, and check it out!

It was high time for a makeover. Besides simply being pretty dated-looking, my old site was basically an online clip file – it served as a place to put samples of my work so that I could refer press, editors, and potential clients there when I was pitching a gig.

But with the book out, I wanted to create a more consumer-oriented site, one that readers of my book or magazine pieces, or students in my classes, might visit. I wanted a site that’d show off my wares and that’d help potential fans decide I’m worth being interested in and following, be it via blog, twitter, the book’s Facebook page, or even simply by buying books in the future.

So I put together a collage of how I wanted the site to feel – colorful, friendly, fun, clean, inviting, happy, and, well, delicious – and then asked my brilliant husband to design me something. Aren’t I amazingly lucky to have such a talented husband, and one who’s so generous with those talents? (I hope I wasn’t too much of a crazy-making client, honey.)

And didn’t he do an awesome job?

Isn’t it gorgeous???

Also a big thanks to Kevin McGrath, of Ten3Designs, who built it for me, also awesomely.

There are still a few things to do – I need to add more recipes, for example, and I’m hoping to set up something with a local bookstore so that a click on my site takes you to their site, where you can order a personally-inscribed copy of “100 Perfect Pairings.”

But all in all, this is it – the brand new online me.

Whaddya think?

P.S. Apologies to those of you who got sent a few old posts when the new site went live.

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