I’ve been working on my iphone photography, and had lots of opportunity to practice recently at one of my favorite places on Earth, Rancho La Puerta in Mexico. (I’m a guest cooking teacher there one week a year—but I’m pretty sure I’d love it 99.9% as much even if I didn’t get to go for free.)
Here’s the dining room and environs.
Here’s a morning hike. (My brother points out that even better than being a guest presenter at the Ranch is being the guest of a guest presenter.)
Here’s the scene around La Cocina Que Canta, the cooking school. (“The Kitchen That Sings”—isn’t that cool?)
And here are some shots just meandering around.
There’s tons to do at the Ranch—exercise classes galore, meditation, sculpture, jewelry-making, lectures (my week, Susan and Neil Silverman—no relation—were there talking about, yep, photography), movies, spa stuff, and of course, cooking classes.
But this trip, I also did a lot of nothing.
Pretty nice place to do it, don’t you think?