Rosemary Meyer Lemon Drop / Sweet-tart Meyer lemons + earthy rosemary = a deliciously sophisticated drink. #cocktail #lemondrop #lemon #meyerlemon #cocktailrecipe #rosemary

Looking back, looking forward

With 2010 barely visible in the rear-view mirror, I’m thinking about the year that was and the year I hope 2011 will be.

In 2010:

My first cookbook was published. It seems so long ago (April) and so long in coming (I wrote my first cookbook proposal in, ahem, 2003) that I almost did a double-take when my husband reminded me that it happened in 2010. Yay for being a published author, and for husbands reminding you of good things.

I did three TV appearances, six radio interviews, and 24 cooking classes/signings/speaking engagements. Seven magazines, newspapers, and/or blogs did stories about my book. All of that isn’t much compared to many authors – even not-very-well-known ones like me – but it’s better than a poke in the eye, and more than I’ve ever done.

I started writing a regular column in Clean Eating magazine. How many people do you know that can say they’re a magazine columnist? Well, you know at least one – me.

I wrote a feature piece for Napa Sonoma magazine about the best breakfasts in Wine Country. Yes – I got paid to eat breakfast. Lots of it.

Speaking of breakfast, looking over my calendar, I had a lot of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, glasses of wine, and cups of coffee – a lot – with friends and family. And although it was great to go out and enjoy good food and drink, more than that, it was great to enjoy a lot of quality time with people I love. Very great.

My recipes were the main holiday dinner story in December’s Bon Appetit magazine.

I spent an incredible week in Mexico at Rancho La Puerta, as their visiting culinary instructor. (Here’s a post about it.) I also traveled to New York, Pebble Beach, Portland, and Big Sur.

I had a fantastic spa vacation in Palm Springs with my 2 best friends from college. I highly recommend taking spa vacations with your two best friends from college.

I launched a new, fun, friendly, information-packed web site with the help of my fabulous husband and Ten3 Designs.

I met new friends and worked with new clients. I got found by old friends.

A small handful of complete strangers contacted me to say how much they’re enjoying my book. I am so touched and humbled by this that I barely know what to say about it.

My father-in-law was in the hospital for a week, but seems to be the better for it. And my kitchen had a water leak, but – that’s life.

I turned in the manuscript for my next cookbook.

It was a good year.

Rosemary Meyer Lemon Drop on

In 2011:

My second cookbook will be published.

And hopefully there’ll be lots more TV appearances, writing assignments, dinners with friends, spa vacations, new clients, old friends, and happy reminders from my husband.

But I also intend for:

More cheese, more dessert, and more cocktails, like the Rosemary Meyer Lemon Drop pictured here (amazingly delicious – here’s the recipe).

More time with friends, old and new.

More days in the pool.

Something really awesome for my husband for his birthday (you should see the beautiful necklace he had made for mine).

And more holiday decorations.

How about you? What are looking forward to in 2011? A toast to all of your dreams being realized.

Rosemary Meyer Lemon Drop on

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