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Holiday stress? Chill with chilaquiles

If you’re like me, you’ve got the best intentions. Ones filled with great gifts in packages with beautiful bows. Of plates laden with cookies and platters with holiday roasts.

And yet—I’m behind on shopping. Behind on gift-wrapping. I’ve only clipped the recipes I want to make. And don’t even mention the holiday cards that are still in the box.

How to reconcile visions of sugar plums with the harsh light of reality? Chill, with chilaquiles.

Chilaquiles /

Chilaquiles (chee-lah-KEE-lehs, click for my recipe) is a Mexican dish that’s basically about using up leftovers. Kind of a mash up of nachos and enchiladas, it’s fried tortillas (or in the case of my avoid-the-mess version, baked) simmered in sauce and finished with toppings.

Easy peasy.

Typically served for breakfast or brunch—reflecting its use-up-last-night’s-ingredients attitude—chilaquiles can even include fried or scrambled eggs. Not coincidentally, chilaquiles is considered a great hangover cure—worth remembering during the libatious season. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying it for lunch or dinner.

Chilaquiles is perfect for those nights when you’re not hitting the mall, attending a party, or otherwise celebrating.

When you’re just home, wanting life to be easy and cozy.

When you need relief from the endless drum of holiday to-dos.

Me, I’m going to pick what’s important and forgo the rest. Gifts? Yes, because it’s fun to give pretty packages to people I love. Time with friends and family? Definitely. Homemade rugelach? Buh-bye.

And meanwhile, chilaquiles.

Chilaquiles /

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