Salmon Caesar Salad /

Obsessed with Salmon Caesar

I’ve been obsessed.

Not with expensive shoes or daytime soap operas or Facebook – so I guess it could be worse.

The object of my obsession is Salmon Caesar Salad.

It started about a month ago, when I was working on a story for Bon Appétit, for holiday roasts. One of the recipes was for Rosemary-Rubbed Side of Salmon, which meant, in varying-sized hunks, I cooked my way through about seven pounds of the stuff. And not just garden-variety salmon – beautiful, succulent, sweet, creamy salmon from the best fish market in town. $116 worth, thank you very much Bon Appétit.

And THAT meant that I ended up with a lot of salmon in the freezer. A lot. Just about as I was portioning and freezing the seventh or eighth piece of it, maybe because the weather finally turned warm, I started thinking about Salmon Caesar Salad.

So I made it for dinner about ten days ago. Nicely coincidentally, I also had leftover homemade focaccia in the freezer, so I turned that into salty, crispy croutons. I whipped up a batch of lemony Caesar dressing, from a recipe in my book. And I tossed them both together with some fresh farmer’s market romaine. I plated it with a few shavings of Parmesan, and then a big hunk of (thawed) leftover salmon broken up over the top.

Ohgh. (That’s a cross between a moan and a sigh.)

But that initial salad only served to whet my appetite. I’ve made it a couple of times since, and each of them was just as good, but the obsession continues.

I’m down to the last hunk in the freezer. I’m afraid to use it because at least now I have the possibility of a Salmon Caesar Salad, if not an actual one.

It could be worse.


Salmon Caesar Salad /

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